
Science, technology, design, engineering... my work embraces a wide range of topics. The ones that I am most proud of, however, have one thing in common—creating products that bring value to the society.

By the way, I capture beauty of the world using my lenses.

Orient: Travel, modernized

The best solution for organizations to transform content into their own stand-alone, custom-branded touring app without the headache of dealing with technology.

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LaunchIt: Unite to Ignite

A web-based platform that connects fast-growing student projects with other brilliant minds that think alike.

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Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
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Program Manager @ PrecisePK
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SWE Internship @ Salesforce

Worked under Field Service Lightning, a solution that allows companies to effectively deliver onsite services.

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Redesign: Unilink

Redesigning the company's main product to mitigate pain points faced by end users.

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A social platform that connects students through coffee-sharing

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Shantao Yi

Apiring product manager equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset.


Get in touch

Tel: +1 (858)866-4039

Drop me an email: shantao.yi@gmail.com

I am located at: San Diego, CA